How Do You Score In Spades

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How Do You Score In Spades

Spades – How Do You Play It? In order to win a positive score, your team must win this particular number of tricks. How to Play Spades. Spades is a fun card game that involves teamwork, strategy, and prediction. All you need to play Spades is a regular deck of 52 cards. Once you learn the rules, playing Spades. Easy Ways to Play Spades (with Videos) wikiHow - How to spades.

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God is sitting in
heaven laughing because people don’t
believe in Him

At the Swiss border we stopped at a deserted garage with only one petrol pump. A man came out of a green house and he was so small he had to be a dwarf or something. Dad got out a gigantic map and asked him the best way over the Alps to Venice.

The little man pointed at the map and replied in a squeaky voice. He could speak only German, but Dad interpreted for me and said the little man thought we should spend the night in a small village called Dorf.

The whole time he spoke, the little man looked at me as though I was the world’s first and only child. I think he particularly liked me, because we were exactly the same height. As we were about to drive away, he came hurrying over with a little magnifying glass with a green cover.

‘Take this,’ he said. (Dad translated.) ‘I cut this once from some old glass I found embedded in the stomach of a wounded roe deer. You’ll need it in Dorf, indeed you will, my boy. Because I’ll tell you something: as soon as I saw you, I knew that you might need a little magnifying glass on your journey.’

I started to wonder whether the village of Dorf was so small that you needed a magnifying glass to find it. But I shook his hand and thanked him for the gift before getting in the car. Not only was his hand smaller than mine, it was also a lot colder.

Dad rolled down the window and waved to the dwarf, who waved back with both his short arms.

‘You come from Arendal, nicht wahr?’ he said as Dad started the Fiat.

‘That’s right,’ said Dad, and drove off.

‘How did he know we came from Arendal?’ I asked.

Dad looked at me in the rear view mirror. ‘Didn’t you tell him?’


‘Oh yes, you did,’ Dad insisted. ‘Because I certainly didn’t.’

I knew that I hadn’t said anything, and even if I had told him that I came from Arendal, the little man wouldn’t have understood, because I didn’t speak a single word of German.

‘Why do you think he was so small?’ I asked when we were on the highway.

‘Don’t you know?’ said Dad. ‘That guy is so small because he is an artificial person. He was made by a Jewish sorcerer many hundreds of years ago.’

Of course I knew that he was only joking; nevertheless I said, ‘So he was several hundred years old, then?’

‘Didn’t you know that either?’ continued Dad. ‘Artificial people don’t get old like us. It’s the only advantage they can brag of. But it’s pretty significant, because it means they never die.’

As we drove on, I took out the magnifying glass and checked to see whether Dad had any head lice. He didn’t, but he had some ugly hairs on the back of his neck.


How Do You Score In Spades

After we had crossed the Swiss border, we saw a sign for Dorf. We turned off onto a small road which began to climb up into the Alps. The area was virtually uninhabited; only a Swiss chalet or two lay dotted among the trees on the high mountain ridges.

How Do You Score Sandbags In Spades

It soon began to grow dark, and I was about to fall asleep in the back seat when I was suddenly woken by Dad stopping the car.

‘Cigarette stop!’ he cried.

We stepped out into the fresh Alpine air. It was completely dark now. A star-filled sky hung above us like a carpet, electric with thousands of tiny lights, each one a thousandth of a watt.

Dad stood by the roadside and peed. Then he walked over to me, lit a cigarette, and pointed up to the sky.

How Do You Score In Spades The Card Game

‘We are small things, my boy. We are like tiny little Lego figures trying to crawl our way from Arendal to Athens in an old Fiat. Ha! On a pea! Beyond – I mean beyond this seed we live on, Hans Thomas – there are millions of galaxies. Every single one of them is made up of hundreds of millions of stars. And God knows how many planets there are!’

He tapped the ash from the end of his cigarette.

‘I don’t believe we are alone, son; no, we are not. The universe is seething with life. It’s just that we never get an answer to whether we’re alone. The galaxies are like deserted islands without any ferry connections.’


You could say a lot about Dad, but I’d never found him boring to talk to. He should never have been satisfied with being a mechanic. If it had been up to me, he would have been employed by the government as a national philosopher. He once said something similar himself. We have departments for this and that, he said, but there’s no Department of Philosophy. Even large countries think they can manage without that kind of thing.

Being hereditarily tainted, I sometimes tried to take part in Dad’s philosophical discussions, which arose just about every time he wasn’t talking about Mama. This time I said, ‘Even though the universe is huge, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this planet is a pea.’

How Do You Score In Spades

He shrugged, threw his cigarette butt onto the ground, and lit a new cigarette. He’d never really cared about other people’s opinions when he talked about life and the stars. He was too wrapped up in his own ideas for that.

‘Where the hell do the likes of us come from, Hans Thomas? Have you thought about that?’ he said, instead of really answering me.

I had thought about it many times, but I knew he wasn’t really interested in what I had to say.

So I just let him talk. We had known each other for such a long time, Dad and I, that I had learned it was best that way.

‘Do you know what Grandma once said? She said she’d read in the Bible that God is sitting in heaven laughing because people don’t believe in Him.’

‘Why?’ I asked. It was always easier to ask than to answer.

‘Okay,’ he began. ‘If a God has created us, then He must regard us as something artificial. We talk, argue, and fight, leave each other and die. Do you see? We are so damned clever, making atom bombs and sending rockets to the moon. But none of us asks where we come from. We are just here, taking our places.’

‘And so God just laughs at us?’

‘Exactly! If we had managed to make an artificial person, Hans Thomas, and this artificial person started to talk – about the stock market or horse racing – without asking the simplest and most important question of all, namely how everything had come to be – yes, then we’d have a good laugh, wouldn’t we?’

He laughed that laugh now.

‘We should’ve read a little more from the Bible, son. After God created Adam and Eve, He went around the garden and spied on them. Well, literally speaking. He lay in wait behind bushes and trees and carefully followed everything they did. Do you understand? He was so enthralled with what He’d made, He was unable to keep His eyes off them. And I don’t blame Him. Oh no, I understand Him well.’

Dad stubbed out his cigarette, and with that the cigarette stop was over. I thought, in spite of everything, I was lucky to be able to take part in thirty or forty of these cigarette stops before we reached Greece.

When we got back in the car I took out the magnifying glass the mysterious little man had given me. I decided to use it to investigate nature more closely. If I lay on the ground and stared long enough at an ant or a flower, maybe I’d spy some of nature’s secrets. Then I’d give Dad some peace of mind as a Christmas present.

We drove higher and higher up into the Alps, and more and more time passed.

‘Are you sleeping, Hans Thomas?’ Dad asked after a while. I would have been, the moment he asked, if only he hadn’t asked.

So as not to lie, I said no, and at once I was even more awake.

‘You know,’ he said, ‘I’m beginning to wonder whether that little fellow tricked us.’

‘So it wasn’t true, then, that the magnifying glass was in a roe deer’s stomach?’ I mumbled.

‘You’re tired, Hans Thomas. I’m talking about the road. Why should he send us into the wilderness? The highway went over the Alps, too. It’s now forty kilometres since I last saw a house – and even farther since I saw a place where we could spend the night.’

I was so tired I didn’t have the strength to answer. I just thought that I might hold the world record in loving my father. He shouldn’t have been a mechanic, no way. Instead, he should have been allowed to discuss the mysteries of life with the angels in heaven. Dad had told me that angels are much smarter than people. They aren’t as clever as God, but they understand everything people understand, without having to stop and think.

‘Why the hell would he want us to drive to Dorf?’ Dad continued. ‘I bet you he’s sent us to the village dwarfs.’

That was the last thing he said before I fell asleep. I dreamed about a village full of dwarfs. All of them were very nice. They all talked at the same time about everything, but none of them could say where in the world they were or where they had come from.

I think I remember Dad lifting me out of the car and carrying me to bed. There was the smell of honey in the air. And a lady’s voice said, ‘Ja, ja. Aber natürlich, mein Herr.’

Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 140 Нарушение авторских прав

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ACE OF SPADES THREE OF SPADES - 2015-2021 год. (0.01 сек.)


  • 1A tool with a sharp-edged, typically rectangular, metal blade and a long handle, used for digging or cutting earth, sand, turf, etc.

    ‘What may be a surprise is that the bottom of your foot hurts, bruised from stepping on the hard metal of the spade or fork repeatedly.’
    • ‘The traditional square blade of a spade may derive from its historical use as a tool to cut peat, sod or soft garden soil, none of which provide much resistance to the blade.’
    • ‘Armed with their metal detectors, spades and uncontrollable imaginations the assembled horde scattered to all corners of the field in search of treasure.’
    • ‘Others are harder to deal with and have to be cut with a knife or the sharp edge of a spade if the clump is big.’
    • ‘An electric bench grinder is the most efficient way to recover the cutting edges on shovels, spades, hoes, and lawn mower blades.’
    • ‘He prefers the Irish spade, with its longer, narrower blade, to English and American models.’
    • ‘For a start, get a good spade, with a long enough handle for your height.’
    • ‘He merely turned over huge clods of earth with one twist of a big spade and left them there, weeds still intact.’
    • ‘A good man to handle a shovel or spade, Eddie went quietly about his business, a gentleman throughout his life.’
    • ‘He said they left behind tools they had used to damage the trees including a saw, a spade and a fork.’
    • ‘Some 30 pupils, all aged 13 or 14, picked up spades and shovels to improve the school's landscape.’
    • ‘If there is a moment, I still get my spades, forks and secateurs and go out and do some work.’
    • ‘Volunteers will be very welcome on Wednesday evening and every other Wednesday and they are asked to bring along a spade, shovel, rake or brush because the first evening will be a general clean up.’
    • ‘The rules and regulations were explained and they were given basic digging implements - a spade and a fork.’
    • ‘The hardware stores sold spades, forks, rakes and all sorts of farming implements.’
    • ‘Approaches to dwelling houses and farms were cleared by men with spades and shovels - bulldozers weren't part of the scene for several years afterwards.’
    • ‘Visitors seized the forks and spades that had been temptingly placed by a nasty patch of brambles and nettles and began to clear a new bed that will be used for pumpkins, sweet corn and tomatoes in a few weeks.’
    • ‘Use a spading fork or shovel to lift clumps, then cut the clumps into sections with a spade, shovel, sharp knife, or pruning shears.’
    • ‘Hand tools such as spades, shovels and sickles, which currently attracted a 16 per cent excise duty, would also be fully exempted.’
    • ‘A few shiny buckets hung from a hook and some new tools, brushes, spades and shovels stood beside the door.’
    1. 1.1A tool shaped like a spade but used for another purpose, especially one for removing the blubber from a whale.
    2. 1.2as modifierShaped like a spade.
      • ‘The spade bit, when used properly, works well on acrylic.’
      • ‘To drill counter-mounted faucet holes, use an electric drill and an appropriately sized hole saw or spade bit.’
      • ‘Use a sharp spade bit to bore a 1-inch diameter hole through each end of every floorboard you have to replace.’
      • ‘Large bits, such as spade bits, will require a little more speed, up to as high as 5000 RPM.’
      • ‘Your next step is drilling the latch hole on the edge of the door, using the specified spade bit.’
      • ‘To drill the latch hole on the edge of the door, use the spade bit specified by the manufacturer.’
      • ‘Try to remove some of the material first with a spade bit or drill bit.’
      • ‘A set of standard mackerel feathers, often tied using spade end commercial haddock hooks, are ideal.’
      • ‘All of the hooks I have seen show a simple round bend design with either an open eye or a spade end and have been made from iron.’
      • ‘Other useful attachments include hole saw blades, spade bits, buffing disks and depth stops, screw driving bits, sanding disks, or even a power grinder.’
      • ‘She is very well mannered in conditions that would give fits to the helmsmen of modem boats with high aspect fin keels and spade rudders.’
      • ‘Then I will tend to revert to the neater spade end hook.’
      • ‘The guns are actuated by a three-way switch on the spade grip of the stick.’
      • ‘This leaves the unsupported spade rudder quite vulnerable to damage should it be grounded even in a soft bottom.’


[with object]
  • 1Dig over (ground) with a spade.

    • ‘We have also tried our roller on a wheat cover crop before planting soybeans, but it had little effect on the small weeds in the wheat and we ended up spading that ground before planting the soybeans.’
    • ‘In the spring she spaded a garden, but the carrots bent as if they'd hit metal and slugs tattered the lettuce.’
    • ‘He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work.’
    • ‘And by the end of the landscaping season, I was lifting 30 pounds of lime and soil and spading flower beds.’
    • ‘Seeds should be broadcast in the fall or early spring in well-drained sandy soil that has been well spaded or raked.’
    cultivate, till, harrow, plough, turn over, work, break up, spade
    1. 1.1with object and adverbial of directionMove (soil) with a spade.
      • ‘Dressed in yellow jackets, trousers and rubber boots, visitors can find excitement in spading gold-bearing sand and gravel into a metal pail.’
      • ‘‘We propped up one end of the screen on a wheelbarrow and spaded the plants, compost and all, up onto the frame,’ she says.’


    call a spade a spade
    • Speak plainly without avoiding unpleasant or embarrassing issues.

      ‘it is time to name names and call a spade a spade’
      • ‘After a while, we started to talk and I began to like him, because he's funny and he's straightforward and he calls a spade a spade.’
      • ‘And the president should not be criticized for being a straight shooter and calling a spade a spade.’
      • ‘So at one level this is an issue of clarity; the simple business of calling a spade a spade.’
      • ‘A source described him as extremely straightforward, somebody who calls a spade a spade and has no hidden agenda.’
      • ‘He called a spade a spade and in many ways was an archetypal Yorkshireman - blunt and straight to the point.’
      • ‘Finally a report that calls a spade a spade on the country's dangerous love affair with the demon drink.’
      • ‘She has people rooting for her in this country simply because she calls a spade a spade.’
      • ‘Given the enormous amount of evidence that supports that conclusion, I just don't think it's reasonable to say that calling a spade a spade in this case is ‘hackneyed, inappropriate and immature.’’
      • ‘They had the greatest difficulty in calling a spade a spade or a killing a killing: rather it was ‘expressing violence’.’
      • ‘It's high time people started calling a spade a spade.’


Old English spadu, spada, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch spade, German Spaten, also to Greek spathē ‘blade, paddle’.

Main meanings of spade in English

: spade1spade2


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How To Keep Score In Spades With 2 Players

  • 1spadesOne of the four suits in a conventional pack of playing cards, denoted by a black inverted heart-shaped figure with a small stalk.

    ‘Because of the difference in score, clubs and diamonds are called the minor suits and hearts and spades are the major suits.’
    • ‘Normally, a standard deck's 52 cards are divided equally among four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds, and hearts.’
    • ‘If your pack of cards has no joker, the two of spades can be used as a substitute.’
    • ‘Each heart scores one point, and the queen of spades scores 13 points.’
    • ‘If at anytime the queen of spades is dealt face up, the game resets and the pot stays in.’
    • ‘An Ace of hearts would lose to it, but a two of spades would beat the joker.’
    • ‘He led the four of spades and East won with the king.’
    • ‘The audience could see it was four of spades though not the magician.’
    • ‘Some players play with only one joker, but use the deuce of spades as permanent second highest trump in the game.’
    • ‘When the reserve cards are equal the suits rank in descending order: spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs.’
    • ‘The Queen of spades may be placed only on the King of spades.’
    • ‘Once the nine of spades is played, then the ten may be played, and so on.’
    • ‘There is no ranking between the suits - so for example the king of hearts and the king of spades are equal.’
    • ‘They cannot take a trick, and are great to have when you don't want to play that Queen of spades.’
    • ‘In all four trump structures, the queen of clubs is the highest card, the 7 of trump second, and the queen of spades third.’
    • ‘The trump suit is clubs if all three succeeded, hearts if two, spades if one or diamonds if no-one fulfilled their contract.’
    • ‘If spades are trumps then an extra double is automatically applied to the final scores.’
    • ‘In this case the player with the ace of spades can call.’
    • ‘The ace of spades is the most powerful card, irrespective of what suit is trumps.’
    • ‘Diamonds are highest, followed by clubs, then spades, then hearts.’
    1. 1.1a spadeA card of the suit of spades.
      ‘The trump maker leads a spade which player A wins with the ace, becoming the first partner.’
      • ‘The trumps are a suit of their own for suit following purposes - for example, in a normal game, the queen of spades is a trump, not a spade.’
      • ‘The player to dealer's left leads any card except a spade to the first trick.’
      • ‘If the knock card is a spade, the points are doubled’
      • ‘If the player on lead has no ace, a spade must be led.’
      • ‘If the first card is not a spade, then player 3 then plays a card.’
      • ‘Consequently, when a player claims his seventh card, he should do this by putting it face up on top of the first six cards claimed, and it must be a spade.’
      • ‘Also, because he knows that player two's card is already a spade, he turns over all the cards that aren't spades as well.’
      • ‘You are not allowed to nominate a suit in which you have previously shown void - for example if you have previously discarded a diamond on a spade lead by someone else, you cannot later lead the joker and call it a spade.’
      • ‘Player 3 is allowed to play the club even though he has a spade.’
      • ‘In no trump bids, the two of spades resumes its normal function as a spade.’
      • ‘If a spade is turned it is put back in the middle of the talon and the next card is turned up for trumps.’
      • ‘For example, if you expose the queen of spades, then the first time that someone leads a spade you are not allowed to play the queen if you have other spades.’
      • ‘Between equal ranked pairs, the pair containing the spade is higher, irrespective of the suit of the other card.’
      • ‘He dropped a spade on the first card and looked at her as she tossed another on top of his.’
      • ‘The other players must all play spades if they can, but players 2 and 3 have no spades and so are allowed to play other suits.’
      • ‘Lots of low spades are usually good but can win lots of hearts.’
      • ‘You have a pair of kings, three spades, and no chance for a straight.’
      • ‘But suppose that after looking at your first four cards, they're all spades.’
      • ‘Take out of the deck three clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades for every player.’


How Do You Score In Spades

    in spades
    • To a very high degree.

      • ‘he got his revenge now in spades’
      • ‘Shaw's staff thought the world of him, and their loyalty was repaid in spades.’
      • ‘Realize that whatever you do to me, I'm likely to do to you in spades.’
      • ‘Needless to say, to successfully achieve such remarkable feats required all four of the above virtues in spades.’
      • ‘It called upon qualities that neither one of us has in spades, to kind of sell yourself and sell this product.’
      • ‘And he has repaid that faith in spades, humility and understatement his trademark all season, on and off the field.’
      • ‘It is a gift, and this silver-tongued charmer has it in spades.’
      • ‘Try to avoid the obvious tourist traps as you'll miss out on the ambience and unique characters that more traditional halls have in spades.’
      • ‘Politically, this decision of Charles's is paying off in spades.’
      • ‘Sincerity isn't what normally comes to mind when talking about pop music, but these two sets of twins have it in spades.’
      • ‘A lesser wine from one of the region's top producers, this delivers cherries, tea, acidity and tannins in spades.’


Late 16th century from Italian spade, plural of spada ‘sword’, via Latin from Greek spathē; compare with spade.

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