Paying Off A Bet
1pay off
Ex:his hard work paid off — la sua fatica è stata ripagata; pay [sb.] off, pay off [sb.]1) (dismiss) licenziare, liquidare [worker]2) colloq.(buy silence) comprare il silenzio di; pay off [sth.], pay [sth.] off pagare, estinguere [mortgage, debt]1) (to pay in full and discharge (workers) because they are no longer needed: Hundreds of steel-workers have been paid off.) licenziare, liquidare2) (to have good results: His hard work paid off.) (dare un buon risultato)1.vt+adv1) (debts) saldare, (creditor) pagare, (mortgage) estinguere2) (discharge) licenziare(scheme, ruse) funzionare, (patience, decision) dare dei fruttipay off pagare, ripagarehis hard work paid off — la sua fatica è stata ripagata; pay [sb.] off, pay off [sb.]1) (dismiss) licenziare, liquidare [worker]2) colloq.(buy silence) comprare il silenzio di; pay off [sth.], pay [sth.] off pagare, estinguere [mortgage, debt]English-Italian dictionary >pay off
1) (bribe) Bestechung f;to make a pay-off to sb jdn bestechen;to receive a pay-off from sb von jdm bestochen werden2) (fam:positive result) Lohn m; (as punishment) Quittung f4) (sum payment)to make a mortgage pay-off eine Hypothek zurückzahlen [o tilgen]English-German students dictionary >pay-off
3pay off
pay offfig être payant; pay [somebody] off, pay off [somebody]2) (colloq) (buy silence) acheter le silence depay off [something], pay [something] off rembourserEnglish-French dictionary >pay off
4■ pay off
■ pay off1pagare, saldare, estinguere:to pay off a loan, estinguere un mutuo2liquidare, tacitare (un creditore); saldare i conti con (un negozio, ecc.)4licenziare e liquidare (un dipendente)5 (fam.) pagare, tacitare, comprare il silenzio di (q.)Bv. i. + avv.1 (fam.) essere redditizio; andare bene; dare un buon risultato:It was a risky plan but it paid off, era un progetto rischioso, ma è andata beneEnglish-Italian dictionary >■ pay off
pay-off время выплаты pay-off выплата, компенсацияEnglish-Russian short dictionary >pay-off
6pay off
pay off 1) разплащам се (с); изплащам си (дълга), разчиствам (уреждам) си сметките (с) (и прен.); 2) отплащам, отмъщавам; 3) мор.отклонявам се от пътя си; 4) излизам сполучлив, доходоносен; it was a risk but it paid off беше рисковано, но си струваше;English-Bulgarian dictionary >pay off
7pay off
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера >pay off
pay-off noun; coll. 1) выплата; компенсация 2) время выплаты 3) неожиданныйрезультат; развязка (событий и т. п.) 4) вручение взяткиАнгло-русский словарь Мюллера >pay-off
9pay off
payvoffBERGB abhaspeln (z. B. ein Seil); abspulen (z. B. ein Seil); abwickeln (z. B. ein Seil)English-german engineering dictionary >pay off
n.• paga s.f.'peɪɔːf, 'peɪɒf1)a) (final payment) pago m, ajuste m de cuentas; (of debt) liquidación fb) (bribe) (colloq) soborno m, coima f (CS, Perfam), mordida f (Méxfam)c) (benefit) (colloq) compensación f, beneficios mpl* * *['peɪɔːf, 'peɪɒf]1)a) (final payment) pago m, ajuste m de cuentas; (of debt) liquidación fb) (bribe) (colloq) soborno m, coima f (CS, Perfam), mordida f (Méxfam)c) (benefit) (colloq) compensación f, beneficios mplEnglish-spanish dictionary >pay-off
〈 ook attributief〉〈 informeel〉2 〈 figuurlijk〉afrekening ⇒ vergelding4 steekpenningen ⇒ omkoopsom6 climax ⇒ ontknopingEnglish-Dutch dictionary >pay-off
pay-off, payoff /ˈpeɪɒf/1(pagamento di una) somma vinta3pagamento finale; saldo; liquidazione5 (fam.) tangente; mazzetta7conclusione (di una storia); finale; battuta finaleEnglish-Italian dictionary >pay-off
13pay off
payvoff1.ACC abtragen, zurückzahlen (debt, mortgage);2.BANK abtragen, tilgen, zurückzahlen (debt, mortgage);3.FIN abfinden, auszahlen;4.GEN amortisieren;5.PERS auszahlen;6.LAW befriedigenEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft >pay off
14pay off
Персональный Сократ >pay off
pay-off1v auszahlen (Angestellten); abzahlen (Summe); tilgen (Schuld); ablösen (Hypothek)1. Abfindung f (eines Angestellten);2. Abzahlung f (einer Summe); Tilgung f (einer Schuld); Ablösung f (einer Hypothek)English-german law dictionary >pay-off
16pay off
расплачиватьсяглагол:расплачиваться(pay off, settle, pony up, disburse, stump up, reckon)рассчитываться с(pay off, settle accounts with, square accounts with)покрывать(cover, coat, spread, case, shield, pay off)расплачиваться сполна(pay off)увольнять(dismiss, fire, retire, lay off, discharge, pay off)мстить(revenge, avenge, retaliate, take vengeance on, revenge oneself, pay off)распускать(dissolve, dismiss, disband, unpick, expand, pay off)уклоняться(dodge, skew, avoid, deviate, shrink, pay off)Англо-русский синонимический словарь >pay off
1) выплата3) расплата, воздаяние; отплата- corporate pay-off- political pay-offАнгло-русский юридический словарь >pay-off
Машина для приема и центрирования рулонов, а также для направления полосы в прокатный стан или трубосварочный агрегат и создания требуемого натяжения полосы при размотке. Состоит из станины, подъемно-поворотной рамы с гидроприводом подъема стола и электроприводом для вращения роликов, отгибателя концов полосы рулонов с гидроприводом, правильно-тянущих роликов с электроприводом, центрователя с электроприводом, проводок центрователя с гидроприводом, верхней и нижней проводок.
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии >pay-off
19pay off
1.transitive verbauszahlen[Arbeiter]; abbezahlen [Schulden]; ablösen [Hypothek]; befriedigen [Gläubiger]; (fig.) abgelten [Verpflichtung]2.intransitive verb* * *1) (to pay in full and discharge (workers) because they are no longer needed: Hundreds of steel-workers have been paid off.) auszahlen2) (to have good results: His hard work paid off.) sich bezahlt machen◆pay off1.(repay)▪to pay off off ⇆ sthloan, debt etw abbezahlen; (settle) etw begleichen2.(give money to)to pay off off one's creditors seine Gläubiger befriedigen▪to pay off off ⇆ sb jdn bestechen [o fam kaufen▪to pay off off ⇆ sb jdn auszahlen; NAUT jdn abmustern▶to pay off off old scores alte Rechnungen begleichen fig▪it pay offs off to do sth es lohnt sich, etw zu tun1.vtsepworkmen auszahlen; seamen abmustern; debt abbezahlen, tilgen; HP ab(be)zahlen; mortgage abtragen; creditor befriedigensich auszahlenif this happens again we'll have to pay him off — wenn das noch einmal vorkommt, müssen wir ihn entlassen
* * *Av/t2. a)etwas ab(be)zahlen, tilgen, off sb’s meanness, pay sb off for his meannessbesUS jemandem seine Gemeinheit heimzahlen5.SCHIFF leewärts steuernBv/iumg fü'>pay1B 21.transitive verbauszahlen[Arbeiter]; abbezahlen [Schulden]; ablösen [Hypothek]; befriedigen [Gläubiger]; (fig.) abgelten [Verpflichtung]2.intransitive verb* * *auszahlen v. v.abzahlen v.tilgen v.English-german dictionary >pay off
20pay off
1) (repay)to pay off sth <-> off etw abbezahlen; debts etw begleichen;to pay off off one's creditors seine Gläubiger befriedigen;to pay off off old scores (fig) alte Rechnungen begleichento pay off off <-> sb jdn bestechen [o (fam) kaufen];to pay off off <-> sb jdn entlohnen; naut jdn abmustern vi; (fig) sich akk auszahlen [o lohnen]English-German students dictionary >pay off
См. также в других словарях:
pay off — {v. phr.} 1. To pay the wages of. * /The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday./ 2. To pay and discharge from a job. * /When the building was completed he paid off the laborers./ 3. To hurt (someone) who has … Dictionary of American idioms
pay off — {v. phr.} 1. To pay the wages of. * /The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday./ 2. To pay and discharge from a job. * /When the building was completed he paid off the laborers./ 3. To hurt (someone) who has … Dictionary of American idioms
pay off — vt 1: to pay (a debt or credit) in full the loan was paid off 2: bribe Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
pay off — (something) to pay all of a debt. It took her six years to pay off her student loan. I guess I can afford a new car, but it s a lot of money and it s not easy to pay it off … New idioms dictionary
pay-off — s.m.inv. ES ingl. 1. TS pubbl. frase finale di un annuncio o di un comunicato pubblicitario che riassume ed evidenzia il messaggio di vendita del prodotto 2. TS econ. risultato economico di un operazione 3. TS sport obiettivo che si intende… … Dizionario italiano
pay off — ► pay off 1) dismiss with a final payment. 2) informal yield good results. Main Entry: ↑pay … English terms dictionary
pay off — «PAY F, OF», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the act of paying wages. 2. the time of such payment. 3. a) the returns, as from an enterprise or specific action; result: »You will see the payoff immediately…without need for specially trained operators… … Useful english dictionary
pay off — (someone) to give someone money illegally to get them to do what you want. The pair had paid off local police to protect their drug selling operation … New idioms dictionary
pay-off — index commission (fee) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pay-off — ► NOUN informal 1) a payment, especially a bribe. 2) the return on investment or on a bet. 3) a final outcome … English terms dictionary
pay off — verb 1. yield a profit or result (Freq. 4) His efforts finally paid off • Hypernyms: ↑yield, ↑pay, ↑bear • Verb Frames: Something s 2. eliminate by paying off ( … Useful english dictionary
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Tennessee Rep. Darren Jernigan was reading a copy of the weekly Tennessee Journal when a recent sports betting approval caught his eye.
An approval during a January meeting of the Tennessee Education Lottery Sports Wagering Committee allowed Advance Financial Money Transmission Company to take deposits for Action 24/7, a sportsbook owned by the same people as loan company Advance Financial 24/7.
Having the ability to fund a TN sports betting account at the same place high-interest loans are available rubbed Jernigan the wrong way. That’s why he filed HB824 Tuesday to make it illegal for people to bet and have a loan at the same location. Sen. Richard Briggs filed an identical bill, SB 1029, Wednesday.
“Really, it is the literal definition of loan sharking,” Jernigan said. “I take a 279% interest and then gamble with it. The only difference is you don’t get your legs broken the next day, you go into a cycle of debt that ends up in bankruptcy.”
It’ll still be a few weeks before Jernigan puts the bill up for committee hearing, as he’s still working on the proposal. He’s considering an amendment to clean up some of the language and an amendment to require a bank account to place sports bets.
Action 24/7 using Tennessee sports betting winnings to pay off loans?
Another thing Jernigan had a problem with is Action 24/7 using the winnings of anyone that has a loan with Advance Financial to pay down their debt.
Jernigan said he’s already aware of one person that’s happened to who is willing to testify to it. He’s worried about what that might encourage.
“Some people might say [paying down the debt] is a good thing too, I don’t know,” Jernigan said. “But what it encourages is for folks to go in and place a bet to try to knock their loan off.”
Advance Financial’s vendor application to allow deposits and withdrawals at their more than 100 locations around Tennessee didn’t sit well with the Lottery board during the meeting, either. Speakers noted the request “feels a little funny” and “gives some pause.”
Ultimately, though, the application was approved because it didn’t go against the sports betting law passed in 2019.
Advance Financial denies keeping winnings
LSR reached out for comment from Action 24/7 but was rerouted to Cullen Earnest, senior VP of public policy at Advance Financial 24/7.
Earnest denied the claim:
“This practice is not happening in our stores. No one has contacted us with a complaint like this – ever. If you find someone that has experienced anything like this at one of our stores please contact me. We will remedy the situation immediately.”
Paying Off A Bank Account In Collections
Proposal would prevent multiple types of transactions
Should the bipartisan proposal pass, it would be illegal for lenders to offer multiple types of services to someone also betting in the same place:
Mom Paying Off A Bet
- Flex loan plans
- Loans using titles to a customer’s property, like a car, as collateral
- Deferred presentment services, which include accepting a check and holding it before using it as payment or deposit
- Cashing checks